Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 1: a summer bike ride to work

On July 26 I start a new job in downtown Grand Rapids, MI.  I find myself in the enviable position of being able to ride my bike or walk 365 days a year to work.  Over the next year I will attempt to bike or walk every day, no matter the weather.  It's only 1 mile.  This is not going to be a feat of athleticism, but a journey toward slowing down, casting aside the distractions and anxieties of commuting long distances, and taking time to see what is happening.  My hope is to post something from my ride or walk every day for a year.

On my first day I rode down Cherry and took a moment to stop in front of St Andrew's Cathedral.  Then I rode through downtown, and by Grandville and Wealthy to Millenium Park.  I stopped at the entrance to Millenium Park to photograph my bike in front of the flowers of the same color. 

I stopped to enjoy the wild bergamot and watch the bumblebees harvesting the nectar.
Not all days will be this beautiful.  I am looking forward to the external change, with the posssibility of internal change.